About Software Watcher

The focus of this blog is to provide information about valuable software to manage your files efficiently and to secure the important ones. Each software is personally tested and reviewed in-depth. This blog is not intended to be a specific marketing tool for any software company, which means each review is dependent from any company's influence. I love finding good software, and that is the main reason SoftwareWatcher's blog is made.

My name is Rony Kurnianto Ardistialam, an Indonesian blogger. As it has been already indicated above, hunting software is a what I like to do. It is a hobby that I myself can not explain the reason. I think this is just the same as some people like climbing mountains or collecting stamps. In fact, I have a big collection of software that I categorize into specific categorization and mark which is bad and which is good.

I wil not claim that this blog is the place where you can find all best software. This is a place in which you can find software reviewed honestly. All in all, I hope that the information I provide here is useful for you. At least it can become one of your trusted references to find software you need.


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About Software Watcher ~ Software Watcher